Exercises for cervical spondylosis. You know those moments when you're sitting at your desk for a long time in a position that's not correct and you feel your cervical area bothering you and you involuntarily put your hand there?
You take it in the hope that a short self-massage will take away the pain. Well, today you'll find out exactly what to do. Short and to the point. You'll learn some exercises for the treatment of cervical spondylosis. Our guide will be Larisa Marinica, spa, wellness and yoga specialist. You can watch the video at the end of the article
Larisa has prepared some very simple exercises for everyone, regardless of age. In general, cervical spondylosis appears after the age of 40, with ageing, with bone degeneration of the spine. The ligaments become very stiff and inelastic.
We are all in one way or another prone to cervical and lumbar spondylosis. If we fail to prevent it through a healthy lifestyle, but especially by move, we will have to resort to more complicated treatment.
The exercises will last about 10 minutes. Remain at the bedside for those who wish to stay there or those who are more familiar with yoga, with the yoga mat, whatever position you adopt, you make sure you calm down, breathe in through your nose, breathe out through your nose, one of the secrets of yoga techniques, we calm our mind, breathing and gently gently start warming up our cervical region as that's what we'll be talking about, especially today.
We start from this yoga pose. Very easily we retain the correct position is: back straight, shoulders pulled back, we are very well balanced we bring the chin in the chest, as well as we pull the head back, but without hyperflexing the spine. Chin in. We perform this exercise - an ax - at least 15 times.
After that: same exercise, with chin upright we move to the right side and perform, on each bilateral side, at least 15 times. I would recommend keeping your eyes open with the idea of somehow removing that slight feeling of dizziness.
We come back: right, center, left 15 reps on the right 15 reps on the left, but let's not forget to breathe in calmly, to coordinate our breath with the movement.
By the time we have performed the two movements we already feel that we have some flexibility and remove that feeling of rustiness that happens most mornings, we start with the chin somewhat from the left underarm left semicircle to the right underarm, towards the right follower. Very easy, useful movements that anyone can perform at any time. There is no need to wait for the onset of pain, on the contrary, prevention is the best way to feel good in our own skin and to get rid of these annoying pains.
We will form a diamond as shiny and perfect as I could say. Then we pull very tightly on the right side, by the right hand, so that the left elbow, the left shoulder and the hip form a continuous line and here we stay for a second, center, right side.
Let's not forget to straighten our diamond, not to flatten it, the more beautiful a diamond is, the more useful it will be.
Center, left side, center. We will repeat the same: 15 repetitions on the right side, 15 on the left.
Let's not forget that each movement is done slowly, in the rhythm of inhaling and exhaling. Inhaling is shorter, exhaling is always longer in Yoga.
We tend to pull elbows really well. We bring them together, allow them to kiss. The better we touch the elbows, the better we work the back muscles. We lift, and the more we lift and form an angle, a line as straight as possible, the more our muscles get moving. Let's stimulate the circulation and the moment we stimulate the circulation, we also feed the muscle cell. We will remove that temptation of muscle and joint stiffness. Got it: circles as deep as possible with a tendency to stick elbows together.
The next movement that is very dear to my heart and simply gives me such a total stretch from the fingertips to the cervical and especially the head muscles is this movement: we extend the left follower, and the hand remains straight, then we flex it to 90 degrees.
I don't know if you notice it, but we pull the shoulder back and at the same time tilt the neck to the right side supporting the head very well. And here we count 8 to 10 seconds. Like I said, we're going to do a full, complex stretch, starting from the fingertips of the left hand, all the way up to the cervical area, occipital area.
We stay here and gently-gently-exactly the same exercise. I remind you that each movement is performed at a slow, easy pace, with the idea of not forcing or overdoing it. One of the basic principles is always "primum non nocere" do no harm in the first place. We squeeze the hands tightly, 90 degree angle, tilt the neck and stay there for another 8 or 10 seconds depending on each person.
Next move. It depends on each individual, once again I repeat: there are people with more severe conditions so pay maximum attention to the onset of pain. The moment the pain appears, either we stop this exercise for good, or we take a temporary break after which we will come back to these exercises.
We will apply an isometric exercise. Isometrics means that when they will resist with the elbow and on the right side of the head, the neck muscles will remain at the same length but will tone up. So the tone will increase, it will stimulate the muscles a lot but the length of the muscle will remain absolutely the same. We push and count for 8 to 10 seconds and then exactly the same thing on the left side.
We continue with another isometric exercise. We pull, pull the shoulders, place the palms, the fingers are well well applied to the back of the head, and push with the occipital region, with the back of the head in the palms, maintaining a slight resistance. The same for 8 to 10 seconds. Let's feel the deltoids, the biceps very well tensed, and the neck muscles working at the same time.
The last isometric exercise. we push with the forehead towards the palms, with the knees oriented and glued to the forehead, we tense the shoulders and push. 8 to 10 seconds.
We start from this yoga pose. Calming our breathing, raising our hands to the sky. Good, good, good. Keep them there. Although it looks like a very easy pose, it requires a little bit of control. We stay here for 8 to 10 seconds. Then we lower. We execute the same very simple movement 20 times, staying here, hands parallel, face-to-face at shoulder level. On the same principle we open wide, pull, pull, pull, them back, then bring them forward.
We pull hard enough to feel the tip of the scapulae touch once more. Pull hard and return. And this exercise is performed 15 times and 20 times, depending on the time you have on hand.
I would like to show you another very short and very simple exercise at the same time this time I will use a bamboo stick. But you can also use a mop stick, or a broom stick. The important thing is that when we extend our hands, to help us make the movement as complete as possible.
We put our hands well behind our backs, back to the front.
Like I said, the movement is very simple, it helps a lot to stimulate circulation to the shoulders. And get rid once again of that stiff feeling. You can do this exercise ten times.
We stay up, and pull the right hand tight, tight, tight until it reaches 90 degrees. In this position the shoulder is well extended and we stay here. In between 3 and 5 breaths we return to center, pull good, good, good and return to the starting position.
There would be many more exercises but I wouldn't want to overwhelm you with a huge number.
The point is that these exercises for cervical spondylosis should be repeated consistently, repeatedly to prevent the onset of spondylosis.
Let's not forget that the doctor's advice is very important, and the presence of a kinetorapist is equally important. Thank you for your attention.
Larisa Marinica
Spa, Yoga & Wellness Specialist
Email: spawellness@yahoo.com
Mobile: 0761101595
FB Page: Wellness 4 People - https://www.facebook.com/Terapiicorporale.SpaSpecialist.Yoga.SpaManagement
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