We can spend a fortune on vitamins, minerals, organic foods and superfoods to load the body with nourishing substances, but surely one of the most important aspects of our health remains a healthy diet. sleep of very good quality. Sleeping at least 6 hours a night is vital for optimal organ function. Unfortunately, not all of us find it easy to get this minimum rest. Some of us work too hard and waste our nights with other activities. Others go to bed at the right time, but fail to fall asleep for hours on end. You probably know the feeling when you lay with your head on the pillow for a long time, and after dozens of minutes of tossing and turning, you're still awake.
There are dozens of recommended remedies for this problem. From sleeping pills, to melatonin, warm baths or a glass of wine before bedtime, people are tempted to try anything to fall asleep faster. And while some of the methods listed may work for the moment, we're still missing a long-term solution to cure the problem insomnia. The best tested remedy against insomnia is the so-called 4-7-8 breathing technique, which can be practiced anywhere and anytime.
"Push" the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. The tongue should be just behind the tissue behind the front teeth. Keep it there throughout the exercise.
With your tongue in this position, exhale deeply through your mouth (it is normal to hear that sound). Then close your mouth and - without making any noise - breathe in through your nose for four seconds. Now hold your breath for 7 seconds. At the end, exhale completely out through your mouth for 8 seconds (the tip of your tongue remains permanently on the roof of your mouth).
Repeat three cycles of this breathing exercise. Try it at times when you can't sleep and you'll see results almost instantly. You can also do the breathing exercise during the day - it's great for releasing built-up tension.
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