How we holistically treat... gastro - esophageal reflux disease

How we holistically treat... gastro - esophageal reflux disease

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
How to treat gastro - esophageal reflux...holistically
How to treat gastro - esophageal reflux...holistically

How we holistically treat gastro - esophageal reflux. Do you often feel the urge to burp after a meal? Have you had the feeling of food coming back up? Do you have a burning sensation after eating? These may be signs of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, a chronic digestive condition in which acid from the stomach backs up into the oesophagus, irritating the oesophageal lining and causing various unpleasant symptoms, which implicitly affect the quality of life: burning in the oesophagus, belching, regurgitation, etc.

What are the symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD)?

- a burning sensation or pain in the esophagus, especially after a meal;

- belching (belching);

- nausea;

- difficulty swallowing or dysphagia;

- regurgitation (the turning of food or liquid in the stomach without effort or vomiting). It can be sour (acid reflux) or bitter (alkaline reflux). Often, regurgitation occurs when bending forward or choosing to lie down immediately after a meal, or when exercising after a meal.

- halitosis (bad breath);


- hoarseness and unproductive cough;

What causes gastro-oesophageal reflux?

When we swallow food, the cardiac sphincter (the sphincter that connects the esophagus to the stomach, preventing the stomach contents from returning into the esophagus) is Relax to allow food or liquid to pass into the stomach. Problems occur when this sphincter relaxes abnormally, allowing stomach acid and contents to back up into the esophagus.

The causes of this abnormality are multiple, often a combination of factors:

- smoking and drinking alcohol;

- wrong combination of foods;

- an overly acidic diet (rich in animal protein) and other processed foods;

- excessive use of hot spices (pepper, chili peppers, etc.) which irritate the mucous membrane;

obesity and rapid weight gain;

- certain types of medicines: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, ibuprofen, sedatives, tranquilizers, antibiotics, dopamine, certain heart and blood pressure lowering drugs, etc.

- The disease can also occur as a consequence of other health problems: diabetes, asthma, hiatal hernia, connective tissue diseases (scleroderma), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, etc.

- sometimes pregnancy can trigger gastro-oesophageal reflux;

- the tables are all covered in red;

- stress - if we eat when we are stressed, this favors a state of gastric hyperacidity.

- Tight clothing, especially low-waisted pants, amplifies symptoms;

Ca holistic treatment...gastro - esophageal reflux? what can we do ourselves?

Whether we like it or not, such a condition involves some changes in our lifestyle, starting with our diet and even going as far as... the way we sleep.

- shorter and more frequent meals: it is preferable to have 4-5 meals a day, but smaller in quantity, rather than 3 big meals;

- if we have more kilograms than the optimal weight for us, it's good to work on it and lose the extra pounds;

- to give up cigarettes, which weakens the esophageal muscle;

- to avoid eating before bedtime, having the last meal about 3 hours before bedtime so that the stomach has time to carry the food bowl to the intestines.

- When sleeping, it is preferable to use a higher pillow so that the head is slightly higher than the rest of the body. We should also avoid wrapping ourselves in a heavy duvet, which would put pressure on the esophagus and make breathing difficult.

- to learn to combine food correctly;

Treat gastro - esophageal reflux via alternative therapies


No matter which therapy we choose or which is recommended by our doctor, we need to take care of our diet and make some long-term changes in this regard.

We start by excluding it from our shopping list or our diet: cafeaua, black tea, alcohol (including beer), chocolate, hot spices (mustard, pepper, paprika), ketchup, mayonnaise and other commercial sauces, tomatoes, pickles, vinegar, vinegar, smoked, cured meats, sweets, fried foods, fermented cheese, smanatana, chewing gum (which promotes burping and reflux), carbonated drinks, foods that are too cold (ice cream) or too hot, etc.

Foods that are good for gastro-oesophageal reflux are cream soups, soups, boiled or steamed vegetables, greens raw (spinach, valerian, arugula, rocket, endives, salads, etc.), ripe bananas, almonds (for ph balance), steamed or boiled fish/chicken/turkey, whole or wild rice, yogurt, whole grain pasta, whole grain cereals, whole grain bread (toasted) or bread with bread, water kefir, etc. In the morning, warm water with a little lemon juice can be consumed on an empty stomach for its alkalizing effect.

But be careful how you combine foods. Avoid combining proteins with amino acids (meat with potatoes/rice/bread), proteins with fats, proteins with acids (meat in pomegranate sauce, fish in orange juice etc), proteins with sugars, amino acids with sugars (bread with butter and jam and a fruit juice for breakfast). After eating it is advisable to sit for at least 30 minutes or take a short walk.

We treat gastro - esophageal reflux: Phytotherapy

Aloe Vera gel acts as a gastric dressing and reduces stomach acidity. You can consume 25 to 50 ml a day with warm water and lemon juice in the morning. Ideally, check that the Aloe Vera product you buy has at least 10 % polysaccharides, i.e. the active substance. After a meal, chew fresh basil leaves to relieve the burning sensation. If you can't stand the taste, opt for basil tea.

Baking soda increases alkalinity, so you can take a teaspoon dissolved in half a cup of water for immediate relief from heartburn. Cerentel boil disinfects the esophagus. The remedy is prepared from 2 teaspoons of cerentel and a cup of water, boil the mixture for a few minutes. Chamomile decoction, as well as licorice, soothes burning and reduces inflammation. You can drink 2 cups a day after eating. Gemmotherapy suggests fig bud extract, said to be very effective.

We treat gastro - esophageal reflux: Homeopathy

There are many homeopathic remedies, but only a specialized consultation can tell you which remedy is the most indicated in your case, depending on the associated symptoms. For example, Lycopodium (pedicuta) is indicated for gastro-oesophageal reflux with a burning sensation. Nux Vomica is recommended for heartburn, nausea, vomiting without vomiting, and indigestion caused by overeating. For bitter taste in the mouth and tongue covered with a white or yellowish substance, Pulsatilla is indicated.

We treat gastro - esophageal reflux by Relaxation therapies

Avoid upset, learn to relax or unwind. You can try a relaxing massage in a spa, o relaxing herbal bath or other therapies spa and different movement therapies such as tai-chi, yoga, chi kung etc.  

Relax and cure yourself from the annoying symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux with the proposed natural remedies! 



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