Without cleaning the intestines it is not possible to cure any disease. The unclean inside is far greater than the unclean outside. A healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy colon. "Sickness begins in the stomach and death in the colon" (from popular wisdom).
The colon is the body's sewage system; from time to time it is good to clean it. Colon irrigation is a way of removing mucoid plaque and toxins and restoring vitality.
If you are bloatedindigestion, protruding abdomen, headaches, gas, constipation, vomiting, insomnia, nervousness, nervousness, overweight, bad breath, skin rashes, eczema, frequent colds, Candida infectionsimpotent, cancerTo relax the body, do an enema in the evening before bedtime.
Washing the large intestine favors the cleansing of the intestinal flora, which is determined in terms of immunity, in invigorating the entire body.
Of all the factors favoring disease, 90% is a pickled colon. Waste and parasite eggs collect in the folds of the colon in the form of hardened mucus like plaster, mixed with feces, forming a so-called mucoid plaque, which "lies" there for years. Being highly acidic, the residues penetrate the colonic wall and the toxins are absorbed into the blood, lymph, humors, interstitial spaces.
Basically, the function of the large intestine is disrupted; waste is no longer completely eliminated but instead infests the bloodstream and degrades internal functions. Over the years, between 2.5 and 18 kg of partially digested matter, metabolic residues, drug residues and other toxic chemicals ingested with food, through the skin or through the breath, from cosmetics and cleaning products (detergent, shampoo, hair dyes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.) are deposited in the intestines. Their elimination is done in a preaplinic regime, the free space in the colon sometimes being the diameter of a pencil. This functional error takes us away from health slowly and surely.
Toxic materials in the colon turn into a dark world of aggressors that parasitize the body. Until recently, the killing power of intestinal parasites was ignored. We are, in fact, an entity composed of cells orchestrated by chemical signals. They live in our intestines, they feed on our food and the waste alters our intestinal environment. They acidify the blood. They simply poison it. A great French physiologist said that parasites have killed more people than all the wars put together.
Large bowel cleansing is a gentle therapy. Wash your bowels as you wash your face! Leave your prejudices aside!
Observe how the face of a person who regularly undergoes colon hydrotherapy is renewed! The red blotchy cheeks begin to decongest and regain their normal contour. The cloudy eyes become clear, the unsteady look becomes firm, the smoker's brownish-gray complexion brightens, the face of the tired becomes radiant. The eyes brighten, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, wrinkles are smoothed. Colon hydrotherapy does not create habitual and has no adverse reactions. The face reflects the inner state.
Through colon hydrotherapy increases the body's resistance to disease, because 80% of immunity gives it intestinal flora called the second liver for your help in detoxification, the right hand of the doctor inside. It helps your colon do its job. And its purpose is to cleanse the body, it's your very health. Understand, please, properly, this advice!
The intestine turns into a cauldron, as a series of fermentation and even putrefaction reactions are triggered. It tries to adapt to an aberrant situation (excessive acidity) and secretes a protective substance, like a plaster along the intestinal wall. This is a mucoid plaque. It appears when there is acid overload: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon. Digestion becomes dysfunctional and the intestine toxic. Automatically, the blood becomes toxic. After years of effort to clean the blood coming from the intestines, the liver no longer functions efficiently, and the excess toxins then affect the other organs and areas of the body: kidneys, heart, lymph, wrists, brain, skin, etc. Where toxins are deposited, circulation is poor, oxygen and nutrients are lacking; as a result, the disease sets in.
If you eat a predominantly acidic diet (meat, sugar, vinegar, milk, sweets, alcohol, tobacco, coffee) and do not wash your colon, you will become ill. Your body is no longer able to endure this ordeal and spontaneous cleansing in the form of diarrhea, acneboils, boils, brown patches on the skin, smelly sweat. At other times, the body simply gives up the fight and succumbs to the onslaught of serious diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes and cancer.
I have met quite often sufferers whose impotence was due to long-course constipation (stool every 7-10 days). He had solidified intestines, the other organs being crushed by that surplus of organic matter that had putrefied.
Death begins in the colon. The is our sewage system. If it clogs or clogs up, the feces spills inside and messes up your entire metabolism. Wash your colon like you wash your face and body.
Almost all diseases today originate in the intestinal tract. The factors that cause the retention of hard, very dry remains of excrements in the loops of the intestine, which sometimes remain stuck to the intestinal wall for years are: foods low in fiber (animal protein), too little fluid, emotional stress
8-10 glasses of liquid per day are recommended. Also, a glass of warm water before breakfast can trigger defecation through its gastrocolic effect.
Consume 6-8 black olives at each meal with the seeds. Do this until the situation regulates.
Avoid animal proteins as much as possible to decrease intestinal putrefaction.
No laxatives! Laxatives pass from the mouth, through 7-10 meters of digestive tract before being eliminated from the body. These sensitive tissues are irritated by laxatives. Adverse effects; loss of potassium; reduced motility; harmful action on kidneys. In addition, laxatives dry out the intestines and cause dehydration of the whole body. Function is known to create the organ. Weak muscles lead to chronic constipation.
Some foods are known for their laxative action. Prunes are the best known, but apples, figs, licorice, spinach, strawberries, oranges have all been found to have laxative action. Dried prunes contain sorbitol, which apparently stimulates intestinal motility.
Apples contain pectin, which absorbs a large amount of water. During its journey through the digestive tract, pectin attracts both bacteria and debris from the intestinal wall. Figs contain both fiber and pectin, and the small seeds act as a mild stimulant of intestinal transit.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Garlic juice kills bacteria by penetrating tiny abrasions where these unfriendly creatures nest. It is one of the few products that contains germanium, an element that cleans and regenerates blood vessels.
Little is said about the internal cleanliness of your body; it is a pity because your external appearance depends on your internal cleanliness. I have seen that the large intestine of a person who has never had an enema contains between 8 and 15 kg of hardened fecal material, which he carries around uselessly throughout his life. After 35 to 40 years your large intestine is so full of hardened fecal material that it clogs other organs and affects the functioning of your liver, kidneys, lungs. The walls of the large intestine are lined with tiny roots (villi). Each group of roots feeds a specific organ. You've seen what happens to undigested food. It sticks to the intestinal walls (like plaster) for many years.
The fecal matter that stagnates in the large intestine presses on the internal organs and moves them out of their original locations. It also creates pressure on the diaphragm, decreasing lung capacity. And the liver is pushed out of place. The small intestine's ability to move is reduced, the urogenital system of men becomes cramped, and the lower portion of the rectum is under the greatest pressure; the veins are overstrained and blood clots form.
Through colon hydrotherapy man can get rid of 80% of diseases. Too bad that only the danger of an operation or the fear of death motivates you to wash your large intestine like you wash your face. The course of diseases can be reversed, internal organs gradually return to their places, their normal functioning improves, blood pressure normalizes and goodbye diseases!
When the large intestine is no longer deformed and returns to its normal shape, it no longer stores undigested food, but learns to pull it towards the rectum. A bowel that has returned to its normal shape is no longer subject to stretching, is no longer withered, is no longer deprived of nutrients and will do its job.
Those with a gut populated with lactobacilli (beneficial bacteria) also have longevity.
Some symptoms of a dirty bowel:
- Constipation
- Unjustified bloating
- Eczema on the skin
- Allergies
- Unpleasant mouth odor
- Unpleasant skin odor
- Gray deposits on the tongue
- Bad-smelling perspiration
- Jena in the liver area
Test that will show if your bowel is working well. Drink 2-4 teaspoons of fresh beetroot juice. If after 4 hours your urine turns red, your large intestine is not working properly.
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