Alternative therapies for psoriasis

Alternative therapies for psoriasis

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Alternative therapies for psoriasis
Alternative therapies for psoriasis

Skin diseases are, more often than not, the body's way of warning us that it is full of toxins, trying to eliminate them through skin. Psoriasis is one of the skin diseases that occurs as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, an unhealthy diet. The disease is often hereditary, because the lifestyle is imitated and picked up by children. This unhealthy lifestyle causes a rapid growth of cells in the upper layer of the skin, which prevents the skin cells from maturing, resulting in the production of an excessive number of skin cells in a very short time.

Manifestation of psoriasis

The disease is characterized by reddish-brown patches that are covered with silvery-white scabs, mostly located on the elbows, knees and scalp, which cause itching. In fact, the very term psoriasis comes from the Greek word psoraitching, pruritus.

There are periods of eruption, which run with periods of remission, with triggering factors:

- emotional shocks (an accident, loss of a loved one);

- cold weather or, conversely, sunburn;

- abuse of alcohol, drugs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

- Some specialists believe that the disease could be the result of a misuse of fat. Psoriasis seems to have a low incidence in countries where the diet is low in fat.

- colon diseases, chronic constipation lead to accumulation of toxins in the colon, favoring psoriasis.

- psoriasis relapses are caused, in most cases, by an increased level of psychological tension and inner conflict;

Here are the main ways to relieve or cure psoriasis, along with the allopathic treatment prescribed by your doctor:


Since the disease is the result of a poor diet, the first measure is to cut out processed foods, sausages, foods containing flavorings and colorings, pastries, sugar, alcohol, alcohol, coffee, carbonated juices, etc. from the diet and find healthy alternatives. Sugar can be replaced with stevie syrup, agave or maple syrup, honey. We recommend vegetable milk (almond, soy, quinoa, rice, etc.) instead of cow's milk. Coffee can be replaced with green or black tea, chicory, ganoderma, guarana juice. It is advisable to follow a period of purification and alkalinization for at least 6 months in order to cleanse the body of toxins. You can follow a predominantly raw diet, with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, germ and sprouts. Eat fermented foods rich in probiotics (pickles, yogurt, etc). Eat fish, especially mackerel, salmon, and give up chicken, beef, pork, or eat less. Include plenty of fiber-rich foods to relieve constipation: wholegrain cereals, fresh or steamed fruits and vegetables, etc.

Fasting is also highly recommended. Cure with fruit juices or 2-3 days with a particular fruit can be very beneficial, but the goal is to change the diet in the long term, to adopt a cleaner, more natural diet.


It is advisable to consult a phytotherapist in order to benefit from the most suitable remedy for your constitution.

Elderflowers help cleanse the large intestine. They can be used as a tincture or tea. 

Burdock root and red clover help cleanse the blood.

Artichoke is indicated in detoxification cures, due to its laxative effect and its properties of balancing liver function. It can be taken as powder, tea, capsules or tincture. Other herbs beneficial for the liver are also recommended: black radish, armoraria.

Three-straw-foot-tree grass is an excellent remedy for skin diseases.

Spa therapies

First of all, therapies that help us in the process of detox. Colonhydrotherapy follows the washing of the colon with water purified with enzymes and is an extraordinary therapy for colon cleansing. Detoxifying abdominal massage Chi Nei Tsang helps to cleanse the colon, improve digestion and unblock emotional.

Secondly, if the psoriasis is triggered by stress, emotional shock, then we recommend cranio-sacral therapy and other therapies relaxation: massage, reflexology, baths with sea salt or Bazna salt etc.

Movement therapy

Yogapilatestai chi, chi kung are some examples of activities that help the patient to relax, focus and reconnect with themselves. These activities strengthen the immune system and help the patient cope better with stress.

Spa treatments:

Spa cure may include, when there are no contraindications, mineral water and mud baths. Mineral waters with sulphur, magnesium and calcium and salt baths are most indicated for treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

a) Mud baths, at temperatures of 36-370oC, lasting 15-30', 2-3 times a day, indicated in psoriasis, chronic eczema

b) Applications of cold mud (mud treatments), associated with heliotherapy and lake baths (Lake Techirghiol), indicated in psoriasis, chronic eczema

 c) Hot mud wraps, at a temperature of 46-480o C, lasting 15-30', indicated in extensive neurodermatitis with lichenification, in old forms of psoriasis, resistant to usual spa treatments

d) Salt mineral baths

e) Thalassotherapy - sea-shore cure

Recommended bathing resorts: Sovata, Ocna Sibiului, Techirghiol, seaside

Relax, reconnect and get rid of psoriasis naturally!

Dr. Gabriela Dogaru

Primary Doctor Recovery, physical medicine and balneology - Clinical Hospital for Recovery Cluj Napoca

First Vice-President of the Romanian Association of Balneology

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