Special spa treatments: menopause without worries. Every period of life is beautiful and worth living to the full. Or so they say. Women go through difficult times in life and need the support of those around them. Menopause is a time in every woman's life and is no exception to the above rule. It should be passed with a smile on your lips.
Why not surprise your mom or a loved one and help her get through the tough times by giving her the gift of a spa visit? We all need our moments of respite, especially those of us who are "hard-pressed" by age.
At a first glance in the Romanian Explanatory Dictionary we find a simple explanation of menopause, namely: "Physiological process that consists in the definitive cessation of menstruation, as a result of the suppression of ovarian function", but we know that beyond this definition there are many real problems. Hot flushes, weight problems or skin problems - these are some of the difficulties that all women of a certain age face.
Fortunately, modern technology comes to the rescue with some pleasant solutions.
This period should lead every woman to make a change in her life. Diet, sport and personal care must start to occupy an important place in her daily routine. It is said that the menopause should not create unpleasant symptoms, but their existence confirms that the body and the organism are not sufficiently well cared for.
- imbalance and damage to the nervous system
- accumulation of physical and mental stress
- accumulation of toxins and impurities in the tissues
- decreasing immunity
For all these problems, we have a very pleasant solution: Spa. When we say Spa, we don't just mean scented candles and massages, Spa is a lifestyle, an education and a step towards a strong psyche and a healthy body.
We know that during menstruation, a woman's body eliminates an important part of the toxins accumulated in the body. But what happens when menstruation stops? Of course, the body tries to eliminate toxins in other ways, the simplest being sweating. That's why most women struggle with hot flushes. It is advisable in this case to keep a detox cure.
You may also have heard about a drug treatment that compensates for the cessation of hormone production and relieves all the unpleasant symptoms of the onset of menopause. This 'wonder' drug is based on a significant amount of oestrogen. Indeed, this "wonder solution" gave exceptional results at first, preventing osteoporosis and skin spots. But over time, doctors kept the women given the drug under close observation. So they realized that, over time, serious symptoms were developing in many women: cancer breast and ovarian cancer, doubling the risk of benign tumors, etc.
Because of this, natural remedies have been sought to give the body the estrogen it needs.
Sweetwood: this plant is a good source of phytoestrogen, a substance that perfectly replaces the oestrogen secreted by the ovaries. It has also been observed that women who use licorice tincture get rid of hot flushes and nervous states and considerably reduce their risk of osteoporosis.
Sage: is indicated against sweating and hot flushes.
Ringing: is the most widely used natural antidepressant.
These are just a few natural solutions you can try without any risk.
Weight and skin problems are among the common worries women have to deal with during this period.
You already know that there are many spa treatments you can apply at home.
But with the help of a specialist you can get much faster and longer lasting results. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, salon treatments can work wonders for you and help you get over these problems.
We also recommend that before resorting to a spa treatment, you consult with a medical practitioner and let him or her know if you have any heart conditions. If this is the case, avoid complications that can arise from some treatments. For example, during hot packs.
The good news is that once the body is cleansed and the body is constantly cared for and nourished, your skin requires minimal effort for you to glow with beauty and health.
We wish you to look at this period with calm and peace because the solutions are in your hands!
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