Therapeutic massage in medical recovery

Therapeutic massage in medical recovery

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Therapeutic massage in medical recovery
Therapeutic massage in medical recovery. Image by Angelo Esslinger, Pixabay

Therapeutic massage in medical recovery - If you've ever had a massage, you already know that it's wonderful, that it makes you feel good, relaxed, that afterwards you feel like a different person. Massage gives us a wonderfully comforting state. But it doesn't stop there: Massage is increasingly proving to be an effective treatment and adjuvant therapy for many medical conditions. Therapeutic massage is indicated alongside other treatments, electrotherapy, hydrothermotherapy, physiotherapy, kinetotherapy, cinesiotherapy, climatotherapy, both for prophylactic purposes, but also for medical recovery in many diseases. The role of massage is to prepare the tissues for therapy, to facilitate the onset of a certain therapeutic effect, or to produce a certain therapeutic effect.

The physiological effects of medical massage can be local or general. Many of the local effects also continue on a general level, so we can speak of mechanical effects, reflex changes, psychological effects.

Local effects

... of massage are the consequence of the action of the mechanical factor on the integument, the increased mechanical pressure causes an increase in blood circulation and an increase in muscle temperature through hyperemia. Consequently there is an increase in blood volume to the integument and underlying tissues with improved tissue nutrition, better utilization of oxygen at the tissue level, with increased rate of elimination of stasis fluid and tissue catabolites.

Therapeutic massage in medical recovery. Other local therapeutic effects of massage

  • Increases tissue elasticity by its action on collagen and elastic structures, causes resorption of fibrosis and myogelosis, adhesions and tegumental hypertrophies;
  • If performed gently, superficially, there is a decrease in intramuscular pressure and it is the maneuver of choice for relaxation;
  • It increases the local temperature by about 2°C;
  • It causes the local release of histamine and heparin, with a role in the treatment and prophylaxis of atherosclerosis;
  • It can accelerate tissue resorption and regeneration processes in non-specific inflammation;
  • It relieves pain, reduces muscle contractures and hypertonia.

General effects

They are produced by the reflex mechanism, by stimulating receptors in the tissue, muscles, tendons, bones and joints.

Thus determines:

  • Stimulation of cardiovascular and respiratory system functions;
  • Reduces muscle fatigue, improves sleep;
  • Improves internal organ functions;
  • Grow well-being of the patient, reduces anxiety, boosts good mood;
  • Intervenes in endogenous pain control by activating oxytocin
  • Causes increased perspiration and secretion of sebaceous glands, improves thermoregulation;
  • Increases basal metabolism;
  • It reduces muscle fatigue.

Indications of classical medical massage

  • Anxiety, stress, insomniasome forms of depression, headaches, migraines;
  • Fibromyalgia, low back pain, cervical spondylosis:
  • Rheumatic, neurological, post-traumatic, lymphedema;
  • Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke.

Therapeutic massage in medical recovery. Contraindications of medical massage

  • Malignancies, thrombi, atherosclerotic plaques, integumentary infections, vascular fragility, acute hemorrhages, areas with wounds and burns, cellulitis, abscesses, phlegm, septic conditions, subfebrile, fever, areas with acute inflammation - phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, recent fractures;
  • Myocarditis, endocarditis, recent infarction, embolisms, aortic aneurysms with increased vascular risk, high hypertension;
  • Leukemias, hemophilia;
  • Active lung diseases - pneumonia, pleurisy, lung abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Bleeding, abdominal tumors;
  • Drug addiction;
  • Exaggerated skin sensitivity;

May be indicated:

  • Therapeutic massages - local massages to eliminate certain problems or dysfunctions;
  • Anti-cellulite massages - performed on hips, legs, buttocks, abdomen;
  • Relaxation massage - a general massage, occasionally or periodically;
  • Anti-stress massage - performed on the back of the neck, back, soles, feet.

Massage can be associated with hydrotherapy, hydromassage, shower massage, underwater showerl, bubble baths, cryotherapy, hot air showers.

After the stimulating massage some physical and breathing exercises are recommended. After the soothing massage it is recommended to relax for a few minutes.

Dr. Gabriela Dogaru

Primary Doctor Recovery, physical medicine and balneology - Clinical Hospital of Recovery Cluj Napoca, First Vice-President of the Romanian Association of Balneology


Ioan Onac. Medical massage. Editura Medicala Universitara,, Iuliu Hatieganu,, Cluj Napoca, 2009

Adrian Ionescu. Editura ALL, 1994



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