Te gandesti la massage ca la un rasfat al simturilor? Nu gresesti! Insa trebuie sa ai in vedere ca este vorba in acelasi timp despre o unealta foarte puternica de vindecare a organismului. Marele merit al acestei forme curative este faptul ca actioneaza holistic, adica ne vede in ansamblul nostru si trateaza ca atare. Atunci cand nu te simti bine (fizic sau emotional), nu inseamna ca un anumit organ este bolnav ca entitate de sine statatoare. Dar poate insemna ca este bolnav modul de comunicare al respectivului organ cu restul corpului.
When, for time or perhaps financial reasons, we start to drastically reduce or even eliminate "soul" activities, we lose sight of something very important. To help you understand what I'm talking about, I'll briefly tell you a little story that someone constructed as a metaphor. When we refuse to treat ourselves "from the inside out" and try to heal the body isolated from the spirit, it is as if we were painting our car and beautifying its appearance, even though we know that the engine is broken. And under those conditions, we would expect it to keep running.
Massage cauzeaza reactii fiziologice in organism prin:
• raspunsul de relaxation, care este o reactie involuntara, totusi predictibila, a sistemului nervos;
• raspunsurile mecanice, adica efectele fizice generate prin presiunea asupra tesuturilor moi.
Together, the two types of reactions give rise to physical and emotional benefits.
In masaj, atingerea terapeutului nu este altceva decat o invitatie la destindere, la o stare de bine. Aceasta din urma, impreuna cu reducerea durerii prin anumite tehnici, creeaza asa-numitul „raspuns de relaxare”.
Relaxation is a state of the body in which the pulse rate and blood pressure decrease. Production of stress hormones also decreases and muscles relax. According to the latest research, the relaxation response also seems to increase serotonin levels, a substance that acts positively on emotions and thoughts.
Physical manipulation through massage generates two main effects:
• stimularea circulatiei sangvine si limfatice;
• relaxarea si normalizarea tesuturilor moi (muschi, tendoane, ligamente, tesut conjunctiv).
Melissa Finley, proprietara centrului Mending Hands Massage Therapy din Sarasota, FLorida, are la activ peste 2300 de ore de training si certificari avansate in masaje prenatale, postnatale si de tratare a infertilitatii. Initial, ea a profesat in New York si a devenit una dintre cele mai cautate terapeute din Brooklyn, intocmai pentru ca, pe langa efectuarea propriu-zisa a masajelor, Melissa a si cercetat in domeniu, cautand o punte de legatura intre tevelului de stres: organismul oscileaza intre doua stari – cea simpatica si cea parasimpatica. Modul simpatic corespunde starii de tipul „lupta-sau-pleaca”; este momentul in care organismul alerteaza hormonii de stres. Multi dintre noi ne aflam in modul simpatic doar prin prisma situatiilor stresante cu care ne confruntam zi de zi. Iar masajul ne ajuta sa ne „transferam” in starea parasimpatica, adica intr-o zona de relaxare, wellness si recuperare.
Un alt studiu relevant – de data aceasta al Touch Research Institute (Universitatea din Miami) – a aratat ca terapia prin masaj contribuie semnificativ la combaterea anxiety si depresiei prin influentarea structurii biochimice a organismului. In cadrul unei cercetari la care au luat parte 500 de persoane (femei, barbati si copii suferinzi de anxietate si depresie), specialistii au comparat nivelurile de cortizon ale pacientilor inainte si dupa efectuarea unei sedinte de masaj. Important de stiut: cortizonul a fost supranumit si „hormonul stresului”, iar el poate fi raspunzator pentru cresterea tensiunii arteriale si a nivelului de zahar in sange, respectiv pentru slabirea sistemului imunitar. Studiul american a aratat ca, imediat dupa masaj, cantitatea de cortizon scazuse in majoritatea cazurilor cu pana la 53%. Terapia stimulase si secretia de dopamina si serotonina (neurotransmitatori care ajuta la combaterea depresiei).
Besides stress, there is another trigger that "sends" people to massage - pain. Especially back pain. And a 2008 study, coordinated by the non-profit Cochrane Collaboration, confirmed that massage is a promising treatment for this problem. Andrea Furlan, an epidemiologist and massage specialist at the Toronto-based Institute for Work and Health, believes that "pain is like the body's alarm system". Acute pain - such as from a burn or broken bone - signals that something is wrong in the body. But chronic pain shows that this "alarm system" is broken. "Massage may not totally fix the alarm, but it will certainly significantly reduce the volume," concludes Dr. Furlan.
There are many theories about how massage can reduce or stop pain. One of the most widespread is the gate control theory of pain. Proponents of this hypothesis claim that pain is caused by competing stimuli. Specifically, pain circulates through small-diameter nerve fibers while massage stimulates larger-diameter portions. And larger nerve fibers reach the brain faster than smaller ones. In other words, the sensation generated by massage wins the fight against pain.
Tension in the body causes headaches, so massage - the ultimate tension reliever - could be the ideal remedy. A specific form of massage - pressure point therapy - is particularly effective. According to researcher Albert Moraska (University of Colorado), pressure points in the shoulders and neck area often cause headaches. Massage could relieve these tension by forcing sarcomeres (proteins responsible for contraction) in muscle cells. As a result, the muscles relax and the symptoms previously caused by tension disappear.
Fluctuatiile diverselor unde cerebrale fie te relaxeaza si te trimit in lumea viselor, fie te trezesc. Ideea principala este ca aceste unde detin controlul. Masajul stimuleaza undele delta – cele care sunt asociate cu somnul adanc – astfel incat terapiile te-ar putea ajuta sa iti rezolvi problemele legate de odihna (insomnii, somn neodihnitor, si alte tulburari). Acum intelegi de ce este atat de usor sa adormi pe masa de masaj?
Autor: Smaranda Maria Paslaru
Terapeut si Trainer in Masaj
The article was published in Revista SPA & Wellness – editia Februarie 2015.
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