Top 5 reasons to take salty baths

Top 5 reasons to take salty baths

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Top 5 reasons to take salty baths
Top 5 reasons to take salty baths

Top 5 reasons to take salty baths - One salt bath, many benefits. You already know that the benefits of salt water have been known since ancient times, right?

Whether you want to relieve muscle aches and pains, relax or soothe rheumatic diseases, these baths are a blessing for the body. The reason? Because minerals such as magnesium and potassium will be absorbed by the skin to flush out toxins and balance the entire body.

The benefits of salt baths are multiple.

Here are the top 5 reasons for making salt baths recommended by ANA Aslan Health SPA-Eforie Nord:

Relieves chronic pain:

We can't cure ourselves of chronic back pain or rheumatoid arthritis, right? But with the help of warm salt water baths, find that these pains get better relatively quickly and delay their onset for the foreseeable future. Be careful, they are done in treatment courses and only your specialist can tell you how many therapy sessions you need to feel better.

Helps you sleep better

What could be more relaxing than a warm saltwater bath when you're stressed and tense? A few minutes of relaxation relieves muscle tension and relaxes the whole body so you can enjoy uninterrupted sleep throughout the night. If you add chamomile tea before bedtime, we guarantee you'll "sleep like a baby".

Improves skin health - one of the 5 reasons to take salty baths

The minerals found in salt water help give you silky, younger, healthier skin. Salt removes surface impurities and balances moisture levels. This type of bath is also recommended for psoriasis sufferers. They are great for dry or acne-prone skin and have an anti-fungal effect, even on nails.

Gives you a general sense of well-being

Countless studies show that salt baths improve overall health by regulating blood sugar levels, improving cardiovascular health and the nervous system. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the lymphatic system and fights free radicals.

Strengthens immunity

When we expose our bodies to the minerals in salt on a regular basis, we help them resist disease better. Warm salt baths are anti-inflammatory and increase the body's strength against various medical conditions.

Dr. Mihaela Cucu, Medical Director of ANA Aslan Health SPA-Eforie Nord he tells us:

"Spa treatments have a millenary tradition in Romania, as proven by the remains of Roman thermal baths. We have a rich and attractive spa as we have about one third of the bathing resources of the whole of Europe, as confirmed by the World Travel and Tourism Council. The quality and therapeutic efficacy of the natural curative factors is outstanding, be it mineral and thermal waters, therapeutic muds or climatic conditions. The multitude of spa treatments with proven benefits are known and appreciated in Europe and worldwide. They are recommended both for the prevention and treatment of an impressive variety of dysfunctions and ailments, as well as for relaxation, correcting bad posture, relieving stress and burnout syndrome. All ultimately contribute to restoring physical and mental capacity, acquiring and maintaining STATE OF WELL-BEING. The therapeutic spa sector uses elements specific to each seaside resorts: climatotherapy, natural aerosols, balneotherapy, hydrokinetotherapy in salt and thermal waters".



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