The legend of Lake Ursu - Sovata

The legend of Lake Ursu - Sovata

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
The legend of Lake Ursu - Sovata
The legend of Lake Ursu - Sovata

The legend of Lake Ursu - Sovata. The resort of Sovata, located at an altitude of 475-600 m above sea level, is a place recognized at European level especially for the presence of salt lakes in the area, being mentioned as a curative area since 1597, although it only became a spa resort in 1950. 

Thanks to Lake Ursu, Sovata has acquired the status of a "balneoclimatic resort where gynecological diseases are treated". The balneotherapists at Danubius Health SPA Resort Sovata claim that the success rate of infertility cases registered annually is 25%, similar to the success rate of in vitro fertilization procedures and higher than the success rate of insemination.

But what is the legend of the appearance of this lake - resource spa unique - attracting thousands of tourists every year? 

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In the forest above the settlement of Sovata, in the not so distant past, there was a beautiful meadow. With its scalloped edges laced by phallic beeches, it looked like a stretched-out bear. Here lived, in her glittering palace, an enchanting fairy. She loved to roam the fields and forests, and wherever she went, colorful flowers sprang up in her thousands. 

Once, while walking in the neighborhood, he spotted a young Rakhian boy guarding his flock of sheep. 

-What a stout lad! - she thought - and immediately she fell in love with him. From then on she had no peace, no days, no nights. But fairy law forbade her to meet an earthling. Only stealthily, under the veil of the night, did he go down to the valley of the Iuhod brook, lying in wait to hear how sweetly and sadly the shepherd's whistle played.

"After me cries his whistler!" - sighed the fairy fairy, but she made sure that before the cock crowed she would be home - in the majestic palace, which was, in fact, also her dungeon.

-Without you - she thought one day - she deserves to be neither beautiful nor ugly! At that moment she decided, whatever it was, she would stubbornly resist the harsh law and meet the handsome shepherd. She went down into the valley, wearing the Evening Star on her forehead, but when she arrived at the beloved lion's hut, she surprised him kissing a beautiful girl.

"You wretched mortal, you shall atone bitterly!" - she said, and at once the shepherd, his sheepfold and his sheep became rocks of salt.

-Come to us! -cried the girl, laying her body on the cold stone. It was useless! With the warmth of her little body she could not bring a stone hut to life.

But the merciless fair fairy also paid dearly for her deed.

With her mind troubled with grief, she wandered incessantly through the mountains, not even looking at her palace. The briers tore her white veil, and from its rags and scales were made salt flowers that dotted the mountains.

-"Dive! Your hearth can no longer be my home!" Thus he cried out his grief, and the palace was gone in no time. In its place a huge, terribly deep pit was dug. The edges of the pit still remind us today of the bear, king of the mountain beasts.

-"Woe is me!" - wailed the fairy, and broken with bitterness she collapsed to the ground. She burst into tears and poured out her bitterness in streams of tears that turned into salty streams from which the Bear Bear Lake was formed, whose salty water is still heated today by the hot fire in the hearth of the fairy's cursed palace.

Even today in stormy weather you can still hear the fairy's pitiful wail from the nearby mountains.

The information and photo were provided by representatives Danubius Health SPA Resort Sovata



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