Slănic-Moldova - Therapy with mineral waters and skunks

Slănic-Moldova - Therapy with mineral waters and skunks

Last updated in 01 Mar 2023

Located at the foot of the Nemira Mountains in the Eastern Carpathians (Vf. Nemira Mare - 1.649 m), Slănic-Moldova is the oldest spa resort in Moldova, known since 1840, when the resort first appeared on the administrative map of Moldova, under the name of "Feredeiele Slănic".

In addition to its ozonized air, the resort of Slănic-Moldova, also nicknamed the "Pearl of Moldova", has become well known for its mineral springs, which gush out from both banks of the Slănic river

They are spread over a distance of almost two kilometers, from the confluence of the Slănic and Slănicelul (550 meters above sea level) to the confluence of the Slănic and the Scărișoara stream, where there is the point called "300 stairs" (480 meters above sea level), grouped in groups of 3 - 4 or isolated, 50 - 150 meters from each other, most of them being located on the right bank of the water.

The resort, lying on deposits of Kliwa sandstone and disodilic shales in which traces of fossil fish are preserved, the meteoric waters flowing through these deposits are mineralized. The mineral springs originate from rainwater and snowmelt from the Pufu and Piciorul Dobrului mountains, which flow from the peaks of the two mountains into the Slănic valley, between the sandstone and shale layers. Enriched by carbon dioxide emanating through cracks in the earth's crust, they dissolve salts in the rocks on their way.

Mineral waters from Slănic have varied compositions and concentrations, being generally carbonated, chloride-bicarbonate-sodium, slightly sulphurous, athermal, with a mineralization reaching up to 252, 45 g/kg. Their beneficial action may be likened to the action of springs of living water; they are complex medicines, mysteriously prepared deep in the earth's crust.


The resort of Slănic-Moldova occupies one of the first places among the balneal-climacteric resorts in Europe

from the point of view of the number of springs, of their total daily flow, but especially of the variety of composition and concentration of its waters: ,,The fact that springs of such varied types spring in a relatively small area, sometimes side by side, and yet different in their curative effects, is a balneological peculiarity rarely found both in our country and abroad.

If we consider the variety of mineral waters, Slănic-Moldova can be considered more endowed by nature than world-famous resorts such as Karlovy Vary, Vichy, Montecanini or Baden-Baden, having no other similar resort in terms of profile than another renowned Czech resort: Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad in German).

One of the practical consequences of the diversity of the mineral waters from Slănic-Moldova is that it was possible to establish treatment methods for most gastric, intestinal, hepatic and nutrition disorders and, at the same time, for totally different functional states of the digestive tract: hypo or hyperacidity, hypo or hypermotility, etc" (Source: "Small tourist guide - Slănic - Moldova", Bucharest, Sport-Turism Publishing House, 1981, p. 43 - 44). 


The mineral springs from Slănic have been studied by several Romanian doctors and scientists

among which Dr. G. Tudoran, who emphasized their therapeutic value: "The waters of Slănic represent a happy association, put at the doctor's disposal to treat most all diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, nutrition diseases; it is a whim of nature, it was said, that in Slănic there are springs for all digestive diseases, as there are in no resort in the world".

The therapeutic value of the mineral waters from Slănic-Moldova has been confirmed over time by the medals obtained at:

  • Vienna International Exhibitions (gold medal, 1873),
  • Frankfurt am Main (silver medal, 1881),
  • Bucharest (gold medal, 1894),
  • Paris (gold medal, 1889).

For these reasons it has been compared by specialists with the mineral waters of Karlovy-Vary, Vichy, Aix-les-Bains, etc.

Spring no. 1 was discovered on July 20, 1801, by the serdar Mihalache Spiridon, while he was on a hunting trip (with commemorative plaque from 1927, historical monument). It kept for a long time the name of Mihail, in memory of the serdar, who in the following years (1804 - 1807) discovered springs no. 3, 4 and 5. 


Mineral springs are used for internal healing

Digestive diseases, hepato-biliary diseases, respiratory diseases, nutrition and metabolism diseases, kidney and urinary tract diseases.

In external treatment, mineral waters are used to treat peripheral neurological disorders, post-traumatic and rheumatic disorders, associated diseases, gynecological, upper airways (rhinopharyngitis), asthenic neurosis, chronic inflammations of conjunctivitis of the eye (especially spring no.5, which is recommended only for external treatment).

A particular peculiarity in the category of springs is the Sonda No. 2 Spring - a mineral spring very rare on the globe, which belongs to the group of pure alkaline springs, with beneficial effects in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, kidney lithiasis, having an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate, which enhances male sexual activity. Its water is very well tolerated by elderly, debilitated and neurotic patients, as well as those who have recently undergone stomach and liver surgery.

Except that the water from that spring has another special feature: it burns! Not the water itself, but the gases that come out with it. A special phenomenon, much admired by tourists!

After the springs of Slănic-Moldova became public property of the local authorities (in 2022), for the first time since their discovery, they underwent a large-scale redevelopment and modernization process, which included the entire area of the springs.


Thus, sensor-equipped installations have now been put into operation on the Springs Alley, and both the access paths (including those for people with disabilities) and the boulevards (pavilions with water service points made of corrosion-resistant materials such as high-dosage concrete or hard stone) have been refurbished. Also, the bridges over the Slănic River were repainted in attractive colors and all springs were equipped with signs displaying their names, chemical composition and therapeutic indications.

Since the exploration of the area has been completed, the local public administration has also submitted the documentation for the exploitation license, and after obtaining it, other works will be carried out for the capture and transport of new sources, for the construction and installation of specific facilities, equipment and other utilities necessary for the exploitation and environmental restoration, for the modernization of lighting, etc.

Of the more than 21 mineral springs existing at a given time, today nine licensed springs have been put back into circulation (1, 1 bis, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, Probe 2), two are in the process of being licensed (Spring No. 3 and Spring No. 3, "300 stairs"), and others are being explored, recaptured or conserved: Spring No. 8 bis, Spring ,,Cascada", Spring ,,Botul Cheșcheș", Spring ,,Stroiu", Spring ,,Ciunget" (on Dofteana Valley), springs for external cleansing (2, 7, 12, 13) and Spring ,,Sf. Spiridon", the only drinking water in the entire area of the resort (Cf. historian Corneliu Stoica, in ,,Nestematele Slănic Mare Mare, "The healing mineral springs", "Magic Print" Publishing House, Onești, 2022). 


In Slănic-Moldova there are also two skunks, established near springs 11 and 3

The first, rudimentary skunkworks was on the catchment of the former Spring 11, whose CO2 emanation lies on a calcareous volcanic tuff tuff, but that did not allow the modernization of the now abandoned skunkworks. Today's mofeta is located next to Spring 3 - the most important source of mineral water and free CO2. The mofeta was built in 1985 and commissioned in 1986 with a capacity of 40 people.

Aureola mofetica, is due to the presence of volcanic tuffs at Slanic Moldova, 70 km away from the eruptive chain of the Eastern Carpathians, an area where carbon dioxide emissions associated with nitrogen and hydrogen are released through cracks, pores and dislocations of the rocks in the center of the volcanic eruption.

Skunk is a treatment cabin with natural gas fumes, mostly carbon dioxide (CO2). In Slănic Moldova such a treatment was set up in 1976 on an experimental basis. Subsequently, beneficial results have been observed in the treatment of hypertonic disease and associated cardiovascular disorders: hypertonic disease, all stages of obliterative arthritis, Raynaud's disease and acrocyanosis.

According to the local authorities, the natural mofeta in Slănic Moldova resort will be reopened after it has been visited by the team that took the mofetic gas and after the related analysis will be received. The restarting of the mofeta will bring the treatment capacity of the resort back to 1989 levels (Cf. https://www.desteptarea.ro/se-redeschide-mofeta-din-slanic-moldova/).

The resort has numerous accommodation, treatment and recreation facilities, nine marked and approved mountain trails, as well as the Nemira ski slope, which is open in winter and summer-autumn season.

The personalities who have visited the resort over the years include Costache Conachi, Costache Negri, Nicoale Gane, Ion Creangă, Ion Creangă, George Enescu, King Carol I, Alexandru Vlahuță, Nicolae Iorga, Ion Petrovici, Mihai Sadoveanu and many others.


Further reading about the mineral springs of Slănic-Moldova, in: https://www.desteptarea.ro/povestea-izvorului-miraculos-de-la-slanic-moldova; https://www.desteptarea.ro/marturii-ale-timpului-stancile-inscriptionate-de-la-slanic-moldova/;


Text and photos by Romulus-Dan Busnea and Olivian Darie

Website: https://turism-bacau.ro


Romulus-Dan Busnea and Olivian Darie

County Public Service for the Promotion of Tourism and Coordination of Mountain Rescue Activity Bacău

Email: office@desprespa.ro
Slănic-Moldova - Therapy with mineral waters and mophews
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Romulus-Dan Busnea and Olivian Darie

Romulus-Dan Busnea and Olivian Darie

County Public Service for the Promotion of Tourism and Coordination of Mountain Rescue Activity Bacău

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