Natural mud therapy from Lake Techirghiol

Natural mud therapy from Lake Techirghiol

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Natural mud therapy from Lake Techirghiol
Natural mud therapy from Lake Techirghiol

Natural mud therapy from Lake Techirghiol. The effect of using muds as a therapeutic factor has been known for thousands of years, peloidotherapy being one of the oldest treatments used since ancient Egypt and then more and more over time. And some application methods have been handed down to the present day.


Situated on the Black Sea coast, between Techirghiol, Eforie Nord and Eforie Sud, Lake Techirghiol it is the largest saline lake in Romania, with a length of 7.500 m, a maximum depth of 9 m and salinity of over 90 g/l. It differs fundamentally from the other lakes by its physico-geographical aspects, although its genesis is the same (fluvio-marine liman). The average water temperature is generally close to that of the air. Due to high mineralization, the water temperature of Lake Techirghiol can drop below 0°C without freezing.

Lucios si onctuos, mud is black It has a characteristic odor and possesses physical properties that make it extremely useful in the treatment of various ailments. It is unique in every respect.

Natural therapy with mud from Lake Techirghiol. Mud properties

- it stretches, moves on the surface of the body (it is plastic);

- it absorbs water like a sponge and is also able to mix very well with it (it is hydropexic);

- stores heat easily (it is thermopexic) when it is heated and gives it up to our body with difficulty (it has a low thermal conductivity). This is why, when applied hot to the skin, it feels warmer than a bath with water at the same temperature.

 Namol is a substance with a complex chemical composition, formed after an extremely long biological process (called peloidogenesis) under the specific conditions of Lake Techirghiol. Namol contains solid organic and inorganic substances, in the form of very small diameter granules, substances in colloidal organic and mineral form, water coming from the lake and in which are dissolved a lot of substances and gases.

The key agents that contribute to the quality of the mud from Lake Techirghiol are:

  1. Artemia salina -The filopod crustacean with a role in the peloidogenesis process is the most important filter. It has three generations in Lake Techirghiol: April-May, June and August-September depending on climatic conditions.

Artemia salina is a primitive crustacean belonging to the subclass Branchiopoda, (with legs transformed into gills). The species lives in waters with high and variable salinity. The animal always swims on its back (feet up), the movement of the lamellar legs generating a current of water that drains down a trench on the ventral front. It reproduces by cysts, which are very resistant to adverse conditions (drought, frost, etc.).

  1. Cladophora crystallinais a filamentous reticular algae. In Laos and Japan, cladophora, also known as "river grass", is eaten as a delicacy. It plays an important role in increasing phosphorus levels.


Treatment with mud from Lake Techirghiol

- It treats chronic rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, muscular ligament pain, wrist pain, eczema, psoriasis, neuro-dermatitis, acne, headaches, neuralgia, stress, insomnia;

- It deeply cleanses the skin minimizing the appearance of wrinkles, revitalizing the complex at the tissue level, eliminating toxins, removing fats, reducing the appearance of cellulite, purifies, catifeleaza and restores color and radiance to the skin;

- It stimulates the immune system, accelerates metabolism, removes excess water from the body giving a feeling of relief, reduces fatigue, relaxes the body and mind, increases the feeling of comfort, is invigorating, relieves pain caused by previous injuries, as well as those caused by rheumatism or muscle immobility.

- Musculo-articular pain in patients with post-traumatic sequelae of the limbs was favorably influenced also under ambulatory conditions, in the patient's place of residence, with saturated preparations of natural liquid extract of natural liquid mud extract. An antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and trophic action of this preparation was observed.

- Ankylosing spondylarthritis:

Mud applications have proven very useful in this disease, as well as in certain strains of rheumatoid arthritis.

- Warm mud wraps in the recovery of sequelae after poliomyelitis have a positive reactivity on quadriceps and hamstrings, the physical and biochemical qualities of mud proving to be stimulating elements of the body.

- The procedure of vaginal tampons with Techirghiol mud is considered to be particularly effective, shortening the treatment time, normalizing the menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea and lucorea are greatly reduced.

- It has curative effects on the genital apparatus, it has been observed the disappearance of trichomonas infestation, normalization of vaginal pH values. Old forms with postinflammatory adhesions and even pseudotumoral forms are favorably influenced.

- The warm bathing procedures with salt water and mud applications exert immediate vagotonizing effects imprinting the body with a vagotropic vegetative state, depending on the intensity and duration of the balneotherapy.

- Very dilute mud baths (1 kg/ 300 liters of water) used as the only therapeutic procedure in 300 elderly arthritis patients with hypertension, produced blood pressure decreases even in the first 6-7 days of treatment.

For a spa treatment with mud from Lake Techirghiol, the following methods can be used:

– Mud compresses - local applications. Heat the mud to 38-40 degrees C in a warm water bath or microwave, apply to the affected area in a 1-1.5 cm layer, cover with a cotton cloth and wrap with a wool blanket or blanket. Leave for 15-20 min daily for 7 days.

– Mud bath - mix 2 kg of mud (3 bags x 600g or 5 bags x 400g) with water at 37-40 degrees C, as much as you need to soak, stir the mixture. Start standing in the tub for 10-15 min. Increase to 30-40 min for a week. Use when detoxifying, pores dilating to heat, when stressed, tired, after illness, muscle aches, arthritis, skin problems, etc.;

– Poultices - Heat the mud in a bag to 42-45 degrees C in a hot water bath or microwave. For applications and compresses, use the mud in a 1-1.5 cm layer. The procedure takes 30-90 min for 5 days. Every 2 days a day of rest follows, during which time the therapy can be combined with massages or inhalations. It is used for the treatment of psoriasis, arthritis, eczema, ulcers, inflammations, muscular and rheumatic pains etc.;

Natural therapy with mud from Lake Techirghiol - Mud massage -

 - in a non-metallic bowl mix the mud from a bag with warm water. Massage your back and limbs with this mixture then wash;

We are pleased to be able to bring Lake Techirghiol to your home, in a modern, hermetic and thermally insulated packaging.

This is due to the fact that it is a 100% natural product, without additives, coming from a clean, ecological area near the Black Sea, with a quantitative and qualitative mineralization that ranks it at the top of sapropelic muds in the world (total mineralization : 292,3 g % ; Cl : 28,53 g % ; Na+K- : 18,43 g% ; Ca : 27,48 g% ; silica : 140,37 g% ; H2S : 0,7000 g% ; Br : 0,0291 g %).

Adrian Culicencu




Virtual Wellness Explorer

Email: office@desprespa.ro
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