Mud therapy

Mud therapy

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Mud therapy

In ancient times, mud was used to treat rheumatism, vaginal infections, acne and other skin problems.

Using sea mud as a treatment is a common thing for us although we do not realize how beneficial it is for our health. The main therapeutic property of mud is that it is a very good anti-inflammatory, and as such it has been used (and still is) in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. Since ancient times, mud has been used for its therapeutic virtues. The thalassotherapy propose thermal mud therapies. These allow us to benefit from the virtues found at the bottom of the sea: mud baths, mud massage, packing with mud.

Peloid therapy - mud therapy

Because natural mud is harder to get hold of and somewhat unpleasant to smell, a substitute for it is used in treatment bases. This is known as peloid, and the underlying therapy is called peloidotherapy or fangotherapy. It is a substance that has a texture similar to natural mud and comes from mixing a marine extract with seaweed and seawater. During maturation, the mixture is enriched with organic molecules whose action is even more beneficial.

Whatever treatment a person wishes to take advantage of, it is the pelotherapy specialist who determines the course of the sessions. He or she must take into account the areas to be treated, the duration of the session and the temperature of the mud or peloid used.

On average, a pelotherapy session lasts a quarter of an hour and the mud temperature is 42°C. These parameters can change from case to case. The high temperature of the mud encourages the organic molecules it contains to penetrate through the skin.

An authentic mud therapy includes 4 phases (application of thermal mud - 15 minutes, bath in thermal water - 12 minutes, sweat reaction under the blanket - 30/40 minutes and toning massage).

Benefits of mud therapy

Mud therapy is especially intended for people who suffer from back pain, arthritis, osteoporosis or rheumatism, but also for those who want to unwind and relax. Pelotherapy sessions are an excellent alternative to painkillers, which sometimes prove to be useless. Numerous studies have shown that the human body reacts favorably after applying thermal mud.

Packaging with mud have also found their way into cosmetics because mud reduces and fights wrinkles, regulates seborrhea activity and, therefore, reduces acne. Namol cleanses and brightens the complexion, treating imperfections. In cosmetics, mud-based masks containing minerals are used to care for the skin and treat imperfections. These mud-based masks tend to dry the complexion and regenerate skin cells.

Contraindications of mud therapy

Mud therapy assumes good cardio-vascular and renal function. If these conditions are not met, partial applications will be made so that the body is subjected to a moderate impact. Mud therapy is forbidden for those suffering from ischemic heart disease, neuropathy or renal failure. It is also not recommended for people suffering from TB or epilepsy, hyperthyroidism or malignant tumors. Namol is also not recommended for people with varicose veins, phlebitis or varicose ulcers, as well as pregnant women and those in the first days of menstruation.

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