How do we use natural mineral water baths? – Mineral baths are often used in seaside resorts in the medical recovery from many conditions. They can be natural or artificial and use gases such as carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulphide. Mineral baths are a valuable source of healing that we should turn to whenever we need it.
They have a special device that realizes, at a pressure of 0.5-1 atmosphere fine bubbles of C02 in the tub of water at 30-35°C, filled half, three-quarters or full.
Natural carbonated baths with carbon dioxide are found in resorts spa: Covasna, Băile Tușnad, Buziaș, Borsec, Vatra Dornei.
Carbonated mineral waters mixed baths can be used as an external cure as individual baths in cardiovascular diseases. The therapeutic effects of baths with carbonated mineral waters are based on the action of carbon dioxide and less on the pharmacodynamic action of the mineral salts in the mineral water. The temperatures used in carbonated baths are below 34°C.
As carbon dioxide is absorbed through the skin, it increases arteriolar blood flow in the skin, the vasodilator effect being directly proportional to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the mineral bath. In addition, carbonated baths have a calming effect on the nervous system.
The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes, 1 session per day or every 2 days is recommended. They are recommended by the medical rehabilitation doctor and balneology.
Baths with carbonated mineral waters are indicated along with special dietary regimens and continuation of medication in the following cardiovascular diseases:
The external cure is applied in the form of baths in bath tubs or basins at a temperature of 36-37°C and lasting about 15-20 minutes, depending on age, general condition and associated pathologies, as well as 1 session per day or every 2 days.
The action is due to the penetration of sulphur from the bath into the body through the skin, mucous membranes and respiration. As a result of skin contact with sulphurous mineral water, the peripheral circulation is activated with a decrease in blood pressure, keratolysis and desensitization occur. This is why they may be indicated in psoriasis, chronic eczema, allergic skin conditions such as urticaria.
Sulfur also has metabolic effects manifested by lowering blood glucose and cholesterol, intervenes in the metabolism of articular cartilage with a role in restoring intra-articular exchanges. These baths are indicated in degenerative or inflammatory rheumatic diseases, abarticular diseases (tendonitis, tenosynovitis, peri-arthritis calcareous), post-traumatic, peripheral neurological, peripheral arterial vascular diseases (ischemic), for the treatment of atherosclerotic obliterating arteriopathy, in patients with balanced diabetes mellitus.
Baths with sulphurous mineral waters can be found at Călimănești - Căciulata, Olănești, Băile Herculane, Pucioasa.
Delia Cinteză. Medical recovery. Termoterapia. Medical Publishing House VOX, Bucharest, 2003;
Constantin Munteanu. Balneotherapy. Editura Balneară, Bucharest, 2013;
Constantin Munteanu, Delia Cinteză, Diana Munteanu. Sulphurous waters. Editura Balneară, Bucharest, 2012;
Balneoclimatic cure - indications and contraindications. Ministry of Health, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1986.
Dr. Gabriela Dogaru
Primary Doctor Recovery, physical medicine and balneology - Clinical Hospital of Recovery Clinic Cluj Napoca
First Vice-President of the Romanian Association of Balneology
Primary Doctor Recovery, physical medicine and balneology - Clinical Hospital of Recovery Cluj Napoca, First Vice President Romanian Association of Balneology