One of natural wealth our country can be proud of is skunk. The health effects of mofeta are miraculous: it helps treat dozens of conditions. Gas baths are particularly beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, dermatological diseases, gynecological and endocrine problems.
Derived from the Latin word 'mephitis', which means 'stinking emanation', moffets are gas emanations that can occur through cracks in the Earth's crust in the final stages of volcanic activity, through boreholes, by degassing mineral waters, or can be made artificially.
Although skunks can also be found in France, Italy, Java Island or Yellowstone National Park (USA), those in Romania are unique in that they emanate dry gas very rich in carbon dioxide (95-98%), a very effective therapeutic factor. The skunks in our country also contain rare gases such as helium and radon, which complement the curative effect of skunk therapy.
Skunks are natural gas vents at relatively low temperatures, usually found in post volcanic zones. The main component of the mofetic gas is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is found in high concentrations. Other components present are methane, nitrogen, oxygen, helium, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and radon.
In Europe, specific constructions of plants with a strict dry-bath treatment with natural CO2 can be found in Hungary - Matraderecske (Lazar et al., 2003; Kovacs et al., 2003) and Romania (Néda et al., 2008 a and b)
Mofetariul is a stepped room, similar to a small amphitheater, designed so that the gas accumulates at the bottom. Any mofette should be fitted with a gas level warning system, automated or by direct observation.
The maximum capacity of a mofetarium is 30-50 people.
The patient should stand. At the same time, it should be exposed only from the lower part of the trunk downwards, where the beneficial action is exerted and to avoid intoxication.
The carbon dioxide level should be below the level of your heart.
Before the mofetta treatment, it is recommended that the patient rest for 5-10 minutes. Talking during treatment should be avoided as the patient may inhale the gas. Between the two daily treatments, where recommended by the doctor, there should be a break of 4-8 hours.
The clothing of patients who are advised to undergo mop baths is made of rare cotton or wool fabrics. The clothing should allow the human body to have as complete contact as possible with the mophytar gases.
The duration of a session should not exceed 20 minutes and can only be done on the recommendation of the medical rehabilitation doctor and balneology. It takes 10 to 28 days of treatment to have a lasting effect. At the beginning the sessions are 5-10-15 minutes, up to a maximum of 20-30 minutes for an adequate therapeutic effect.
They can be treated by gas baths in particular:
We also recommend skunk for prophylactic purposes:
It is also known that mofetariul gas also has beneficial effects on potency and is recognized as a very good natural aphrodisiac.
The mechanism of action of skunks is peripheral vasodilation, through the direct action of carbon dioxide on small vessels. This leads not only to warming of the integument, but also to systemic vasodilatation (muscular, cerebral), and the inhalation of a small part of the carbon dioxide in the moustache.
Skunk therapies are contraindicated for people suffering from acute illness, infectious diseases, venereal diseases, malignant tumors (cancer of any type), some heart rhythm disturbances and advanced cardiac decompensation.
Carbon dioxide itself is not conducive to life, but when used therapeutically, its absorption in the integumentary tissues has particular benefits for blood circulation through peripheral and systemic vasodilation.
Natural mophetamine has the effect of increasing blood flow by penetrating CO2 through the skin through the integument and into the muscles.
It acts directly on the smooth muscle of blood vessels, especially on very small vessels (arterioles), which is considered superior to peripheral vasodilator drugs.
Romania has the chance to have such reserves in a few spa resorts - Balvanyos, Baile Tușnad, Buziaș, Covasna, Slănic Moldova, Sângiorz-Băi, Vatra Dornei - and we should consider ourselves privileged, because mofettes are found in very few places on earth.
The natural therapeutic factors consisting of mineral water baths, mofete, climatic therapy, along with medical physical culture, indicated in the rehabilitation treatment of patients after stroke, had a beneficial effect on clinical and functional symptomatology, improving the quality of gait and balance, functionality in a patient who had suffered a stroke (cerebrovascular accident) five years before and was followed for three years, while she participated in an annual medical rehabilitation program. Rehabilitation treatment improves quality of life in post-stroke survivors (Dogaru G., Motricală M. et al., 2018)
The aim of an experimental study was to evaluate the effect of mofeptate treatment on oxidative stress and antioxidant parameters in experimentally induced myocardial ischemia in rats (Dogaru G et al., 2019). Myocardial ischemia was induced with a single dose of Isoproterenol (45 mg/kg bw, s.c). The animals used were Wistar-Bratislava rats and were divided into three groups. The first group was the control, group 2 was induced myocardial ischemia, and group 3 after induction of myocardial ischemia, the animals were taken daily to the skunk at the Tușnad Bathsfor 2 weeks for carbon dioxide exposure.
On the first 2 days the exposure duration was 5 minutes/day, on the next 2 days 10 minutes/day, and from the 5th day 15 minutes/day. After the two weeks of treatment blood was collected from each animal in the three groups. Oxidative stress parameters such as nitric oxide (NOx), malondialdehyde (MDA), total oxidative stress (TOS), catalase (CAT) and total plasma oxidative capacity (TAC) were determined from the blood samples. After euthanasia, myocardial tissue samples were collected for histological examination by electron microscopy.
This is the first study conducted on the therapeutic efficacy of natural mofeta treatment by exposure to dry carbon dioxide gas in experimental myocardial ischemia.
The results of this study showed the positive effects of mofeta, by reducing oxidative stress, but also a significant change in the antioxidant molecules tested (CAT and TAC), determined by blood analysis. However, it is important, as the study shows, to periodically analyze the physical and chemical properties of mofetida, being a natural mofetida. Experimental studies on its biological effects and mechanism of action are also needed. But also further clinical studies on the therapeutic effect.
The specificity of the gas emanations, the large number of springs, their association with mineral waters and their location in a natural and climatic setting with important therapeutic effects, create an exceptional spa tourism potential, untapped at its true value.
Primary Doctor Recovery, physical medicine and balneology - Clinical Hospital of Recovery Cluj - Napoca;
First - Vice-President of the Romanian Association of Balneology, Vice-President of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Recovery and Balneoclimatology;
Gabriela Dogaru, Constantin Munteanu. MOFE: Therapeutic gases.
București. Spa Publishing House, 2020
Primary Doctor Recovery, physical medicine and balneology - Clinical Hospital of Recovery Cluj Napoca, First Vice President Romanian Association of Balneology