Bazna salt bath

Bazna salt bath

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Bazna salt bath

Bazna salt bath. A moment of pampering at the end of a tiring day is the key element that can completely change your mood and make you forget all the worries of the day.

When your energy level is low or when you're not in the best of moods, the days seem endless and often you can't even at the end of them regain your balance. A Bazna salt bath can be a remedy.

Bazna salt, natural product 100%, is extracted at great depth, from the basement of the Bazna spa resort in Mures county.

Its history begins somewhere in 1672. But it wasn't until the 19th century that a team of physicians and chemists from Vienna began to study the spectacular effects of the salt there, which is so good for spa treatments.

Used for hundreds of years, it contains substances that are truly miraculous for health: super-saturated solutions of mineral waters very rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium chlorides, as well as iodide and sodium bromide.

Being rich in iodine and bromine it has a relaxing character and is a sedative of the nervous system. It participates in the regulation of higher brain activity and is often used to treat insomnia. The iodine in salt is responsible for decreasing blood viscosity and dilating veins. This will lower blood pressure and increase the body's defense resistance.

Bazna salt: The properties of this type of salt are more complex, being recommended in:

  • rheumatism
  • arthrosis
  • polyarthritis
  • Discopathies
  • mialgii
  • hyperthyroid
  • luteal metroanexitis
  • ulcerative cervicitis
  • leukoplakia
  • spinal static disorders
  • computer syndrome
  • osteoporosis
  • peripheral vascular disease
  • psoriasis
  • disorders of menopause

Hot therapies are also recommended along with the use of Thermarium facilities to maximize the effects of Bazna salt.

As a prophylactic treatment with Bazna salt is indicated for people prone to diseases of the locomotor system, ligamentous and musculo-articular laxity, in order to increase the body's resistance to these diseases. 



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