Balneotherapy or therapeutic baths as a method of treatment

Balneotherapy or therapeutic baths as a method of treatment

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Balneotherapy or therapeutic baths
Grand Santerra SPA, Balvanyos Resort
Balneotherapy or therapeutic baths means the use of baths for therapeutic purposes, as well as other ancillary activities to treat the body in water. Balneotherapy is used for medical purposes but may be contraindicated in certain cases.

Where does a balneotherapy session take place?

The space in which the balneotherapy is performed is a swimming pool or a bathtub with water coming from thermal springs, or sea water, or normal water in which sea salts have been added. The jets mounted in the tub can be directed in the desired direction and are designed to mix water and air, expelling them under pressure. The water in the tub is 34 degrees Celsius and causes the pores to dilate, allowing marine elements to penetrate the body. A session of spa lasts 15-20 minutes.

Balneotherapy or therapeutic baths -Benefits of balneotherapy

First of all, water and sea salts regularize blood circulation, eliminate toxins from the body through the sweat glands and stimulate defective circulation. Water also has the effect of stimulating muscle tone, digestion and metabolism. Along with toxins, water also removes calcium deposits from damaged blood vessels and capillaries. Balneotherapy treats back pain, tension or inflammation of muscle tissue, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis, headaches and various corneal pains. Inhalation of warm water vapor from the pool is especially recommended for people with sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies or asthma.
Balneotherapy is used not only for therapeutic but also relaxing purposes. It causes a feeling of relaxation, eliminating stress. As far as beauty is concerned, regular balneotherapy sessions have a positive effect on the figure and tone the body. Draining the body, the water jets help burn calories and eliminate cellulite.

Balneotherapy or therapeutic baths - Contraindications of balneotherapy

Balneotherapy is not recommended for people with iodine allergy, hyper or hypo thyroid problems, unhealed fractures, heart, lung or respiratory failure. Balneotherapy should also not be practiced by those suffering from diabetes, pathological skin conditions: mycosis, ulcers or scabs. Pregnant women up to 3 months and after 6 months should not enjoy balneotherapy.



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