Romania has over 8,500 mineral springs

Romania has over 8,500 mineral springs

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
Romania has over 8,500 mineral springs

Romania has over 8,500 springsSkunk. Emanations. Salines. Sludge. Salty waters. Sulphurous waters. Brominated waters. Did you know that Romania has over 8,500 mineral and thermal springs? That's a third of Healing resources of Europe are with us? Well, yes, Romania can and has what to cure us. We have water that we can drink, bathe in, inhale or breathe in.

Romania has over 8,500 springs. Do you know how and where we can make the most of natural mineral water baths?

Well, this type of healing procedures are often used in seaside resorts, in spa treatments medical recovery for many conditions. They can be natural or artificial, when they use gases such as carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulphide.

In the Cerna Valley, at Herculane BathsMineral waters come in many types and have many uses:

  • Chloride, bicarbonate and weakly sulphurous mineral waters 
  • Chlorosodium, bicarbonate, calcium waters 
  • Chloride, bromoiodide, sulphurous waters
  • Chloride, bromoiodide, sulphurous waters 

If you want to know how and what you can cure with natural sulphurous mineral water baths

heed the recommendations of the balneologist Otilia Oprișan from Aphrodite Resort & Spa.

"The external cure with mineral baths is carried out both in the form of baths, in the bathtub or in the pools, at a temperature of 36-37°C, but also in the form of inhalations or aerosols. The main characteristic of the mineral waters in Herculane Baths is the very high concentration of hydrogen sulphide (a maximum of 60 mg/1), the only sulphur compound that is absorbed into the body through the skin, lungs and digestive tract. The sulphur in the bath enters the body through the skin, mucous membranes and the breath. As a result of skin contact with sulphurous mineral water, the peripheral circulation is activated, leading to a decrease in blood pressure, keratolysis and desensitization. This also explains why sulphurous waters are indicated for psoriasis, chronic eczema and allergic skin conditions such as urticaria. At the same time, it is good to know that sulphur has metabolic effects manifested by lowering blood glucose and cholesterol, it intervenes in the metabolism of articular cartilage and restores intra-articular exchanges.

Sulfurous baths are indicated in degenerative or inflammatory rheumatic diseases, abarticular diseases (tendinitis, tenosynovitis, peri-arthritis calcareous), posttraumatic, peripheral neurological, peripheral arterial vascular diseases (ischemic), for the treatment of atherosclerotic obliterating arteriopathy, in patients with balanced diabetes mellitus.

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