Compelling reasons to try Pilates classes

Compelling reasons to try Pilates classes

Last updated in May 26, 2023
Compelling reasons to try Pilates classes
Compelling reasons to try Pilates classes

Pilates or the Pilates method is a form of movement suitable for everyone, presenting over 500 exercises inspired by calisthenic training, kinesiotherapy, yoga or ballet. These exercises can be adapted and selected to suit groups according to their level of training, endurance or purpose.

So through Pilates we can work the whole body, we can perform both exercises using our own body weight, as well as movements where different elements are needed (for example dumbbells). Pilates improves muscular endurance and strength, flexibility and balance, helping to improve body awareness, muscle control and breathing.

Benefits of going to Pilates classes

Program suitable for everyone

Whether you're a beginner or a performer, Pilates will always help you both to maintain and develop your muscular and joint skills. You can start with simple exercises aimed at forming a healthy posture, mastering your breathing and increasing endurance and muscle strength, then move on to more complex and demanding exercises.

Musculoskeletal and joint benefits

Because Pilates combines strength exercises with stretching and relaxationThe benefits of practicing this method regularly are particularly evident in the muscles, bones and joints:

- Balancing muscle strength on both sides of the body and reducing asymmetries;

- Improving spinal posture and reducing the risk of sprains or herniations, as well as increasing spinal mobility;

- Relief of postural and muscular back pain;

- Relaxing the shoulder and neck area, cervical area;

- Improve muscle control in all body segments;

- Increased muscle tone in the legs, arms, back and abdomen, as well as fat reduction in these areas;

- Improving mobility and reducing pain (if any) in large joints such as ankles, knees, hips, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists;

- Improving tendon quality;

- Boost bone remodeling;

Aesthetic benefits

Of course the Pilates method helps in eliminating excess pounds and in body remodeling, leading to the acquisition of enviable shapes and sizes, while maintaining body harmony. Pilates exercises help in losing fat in the abdominal area, in getting a firm abdomen, but also in eliminating cellulite.

Stress management

Because Pilates exercises are performed to the rhythm of relaxing music, while also using techniques to improve breathing (thus increasing brain oxygenation), they bring a general relaxation to the body and mind, combating stress. Pilates improves the mind-body connection and also stimulates attention and memory, improves sleep quality and improves mood. 

At Aviatiei Wellness Center we are waiting for you at Pilates classes with experienced trainers. Do not forget to make an appointment in advance to ensure your place in the gym.




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