As the name suggests, BodyART exercises aim at a harmonious three-dimensional development: body, mind, soul, i.e. to improve general health.
Unlike other fitness and strength programs, in BodyART you don't work with dumbbells, but mainly with your own body weight. Exercises are performed slowly and in a controlled manner, always being aware of your breathing.
BodyART is a holistic fitness program based on Chinese medicine principles. The program aims to connect the body, mind and spirit.
In these exercises, energy is not concentrated on a single muscle group, as it happens in other fitness programs, but all the muscles of the body are used synergistically, working at different intensities so that after the contraction to produce and relaxing.
It aims to develop both strength, control and balance. As balance is involved, reference will be made to the center and each learner feels prompted to focus on their own body, to let go of everyday worries and follow their own body, balance and breathing. This explains why BodyART workouts are recognized for their intense anti-stress effects.
These exercises also have an energizing role, applying the yin-yang principles of contraction and relaxation, inspiration-expiration, dynamic-static.
By practicing the BodyART exercises the vicious body positions are combated and the correct ones are learned, so that the muscles and joints relax and regain their healthy characteristics. Each exercise is performed slowly and consciously, with controlled breathing, so that the body has a chance to counteract the fast movements that we tend to do unconsciously. One of the principles of bodyART is never to judge movements as good or bad, because what is good for one person may be bad for another.
The main benefits of these workouts can be:
- Gain good body control;
- Restoring correct body positions;
- Body shaping and desired silhouette;
- Increase muscle strength and flexibility;
- Improving motor skills;
- Improvement of pathological conditions of joints and spine;
- Teaching the body to relax, to de-stress;
- Mastering breathing techniques and better oxygenation of the body;
- Increased cardiac and nervous system performance;
- Relax, relieve stress and combat depression yes anxiety.
Due to their slow character and amplitude realized individually by each trainee, BodyART exercises can be practiced also by pregnant women in the first months of gestation, if they do not present contraindication from their doctor for movement.
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