6 Fundamental principles of Pilates

6 Fundamental principles of Pilates

Last updated in 07 Apr 2023
6 Fundamental principles of Pilates
6 Fundamental principles of Pilates

6 Fundamental principles of Pilates. Classes of Pilates are now widely practiced, and this method of improving physical and mental fitness is becoming more and more popular worldwide. Initially developed by Joseph Pilates, whose name it bears, this method is based on principles that ensure both a harmonious development of the body and benefits to the psyche. Based on a technique known as contrologie, the Pilates method is a fitness system that engages the whole body as well as the mind. If you want to choose a form of exercise that tones your whole body and at the same time gives you a more toned relaxation intense, totally stress-relieving Pilates classes. 

Fundamental principles of Pilates


One of the basic principles of Pilates exercises is the correlation of effort with a deep breathing pattern. Most of the time we breathe superficially, at chest level, our breathing being involuntary. Pilates, however, sends us to focus on the respiratory muscles, acquiring the ability to breathe deeply, so that the air reaches the base of the lungs. In this way our body and especially the muscles under exertion receive more oxygen through the circulatory system. 

Pilates exercises are recognized for their powerful effects on increasing the body's oxygenation, which leads to improved muscle activity, as well as improving the functions of the entire body and especially the brain. Medical experts say

our brain consumes up to 201TPTP3T of the oxygen circulating in the blood, and as Pilates exercises increase the oxygen intake, it can be deduced one of the reasons why, after such classes, we feel good and at a mental level, we concentrate more easily and memory is improved. 


Another basic principle of the Pilates method is to concentrate on a particular exercise so that it is performed as correctly as possible. Concentration helps in the awareness and control of certain muscle groups, in the maintenance and improvement of body posture and also disconnects us from our current thoughts and daily stress. Pilates called these mind-focused exercises "training the thinking man". 


One of the fundamental principles of Pilates exercises is centering or awareness of the center, with several interpretations, all valid for those who follow this method. First of all, centering refers to working with the center of gravity, essential for a correct and balanced balance of the entire body, regardless of the complexity of the exercise we perform. 

The center also represents the central area of energy and vitality, which stimulates the balance between body and mind, but also the efficient use of energy so that we acquire the ability to perform movements as correctly as possible. 

Centering also refers to the use of the muscles located in the center of our body, especially the transverse abdominal muscle, particularly important for posture, but also for maintaining intra-abdominal tension, crucial for the proper functioning of the organs at this level, but also for the circulatory system (stimulates the return of venous blood to the heart). The approach to this muscle is specific to the Pilates method and is rarely found in other movement programs. 


Control over the correct execution of exercises, their smoothness and precision is closely related to the balance of the center. Control addresses the most correct execution of an exercise, increasing the knowledge of one's own body and the ability to use our body as well as possible, without creating excess tension. 


Precision aims to execute an exercise at a certain amplitude, using an exact trajectory that is correlated with the alignment of the body, but also with the placement of muscle tension in certain areas, allowing the body to maintain its flexibility. Precision is one of the principles that differentiates Pilates from other movement programs.


This principle is essential for performing Pilates exercises in the most natural and at the same time correct way, starting from the strong center and emanating the movement to a precise and accurate smoothness and precision. The movements' smoothness implies a certain order of the exercises and the ability to control the successive tension in the muscles, being closely related to the center, precision and control. 

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